Our Team
At iDRstart, our team of friendly professionals provide confidential and impartial Dispute Resolution (DR) services to assist our clients to collaboratively develop innovative and sustainable resolutions.
All of our Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners are registered with the Attorney-General’s Department and are qualified to issue section 60I certificates.
All of our Mediators are Nationally accredited under the National Mediation Accreditation Standards. (NMAS)
Our panel of practitioners are led by our team of Principal Dispute Resolution Specialist & Principal Practitioners, who also provide training, coaching, as well as assessing new mediators to national standards.
Principal Dispute Resolution Specialist

- Master of Conflict Management and Resolution (MCMR) &
Master of Business Administration (MBA)
[University Medal Recipient] - Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP)
- Nationally Accredited Mediator (NMAS)
- Transformative Relationship Mediation Practitioner (TRMP)
- Family Group Conferencing Facilitator (FGC)
Panel Member – NSW Department of Communities & Justice (DCJ) - Group Conferencing Convenor (GCC)
- Workplace and Commercial Mediation (WPC)
- Conflict Management Coach (CMC)
- Post-Separation Parenting Coach (PS-Parenting Coach)
- Coach & Mentor for Dispute Resolution Masters level subject
- Coach, Trainer, & Mentor for NMAS and FDR (property specialisation)
- Course developer & designer for Dispute Resolution Training
- Bachelor of Biotechnology Honours IA (BBiotech IA)
Lee has a vision of creating a brighter and more positive world one step at a time with a mission of empowering individuals to collaborate and develop innovative sustainable solutions to manage conflicts. Lee exhibits a genuine dedication to human welfare, in particular, vulnerable individuals and families. Lee is passionate and dedicated to Dispute Resolution (DR). Lee has a double masters in Conflict Resolution Management and Business Administration (University Medal Recipient), as well as holding qualifications in multiple DR-related specialised areas.
Lee has extensive experience and knowledge in Dispute Resolution (DR), spanning across areas of Family, Relationships, High-Conflict, Workplace, Cross-Border/International, Small Business & Commercial, Neighbourhood and community.
Lee is also a Coach and Trainer for Family Dispute Resolution Practitioners and Mediators, as well as assessing new mediators to National Standards, with a Recognised Mediator Accreditation Body (RMAB) and provides coaching and training for University Masters Level mediation courses.
Lee specialises in Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) for Financial & Parenting matters; First-Aid Relationship Mediation (FARM); Workplace & Commercial Mediation; Family Group Conferencing (Panel member with NSW Government Department of Communities & Justice).
Fluent in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.
(All mediation-related DR services are available in English, Mandarin and Cantonese.)

Principal Workplace & Commercial Dispute Resolution Practitioner

- Accredited Mediator (NMAS)
- Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute (GradDipFDR)
- Post Graduate in Psychology (PostGradPsych)
- Bachelor of Education (BEd)
- Diploma in Business (DipBus)
- Child Protection Conference Convenor
Panel with the Child Protection Conferencing Unit (CPCU) - QCAT Mediator, Specialist Training and Education Strategic Advisory Panel Member, and Mentor
- Workplace and Commercial Mediation (WPC)
- Panel Member with the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombusman (ASBFEO)
- Specialist Workplace Mediator for Franchising (Leasing) and Horticulture (grower-trader trade arrangements)
Fellow of the Institute of Community Directors Australia (ICDA) - Pioneer of implementing Mediation Services in the school community
- Expert international Assessor and Judge for International Mediation Competitions
Cheryl possesses tertiary qualifications across Education, Psychology, Dispute Resolution and Business with experience from these fields converging into her twenty years of progressive development in the Dispute Resolution field.
Her practice covers appointments to International, National and State Mediator panels in areas of Minor Civil Disputes, Residential Tenancies, Fences, Small Business, Franchising, Horticulture, Building and Construction, Farm Business Debt, Child Protection, Workplace, Family and Community.
She has been a forerunner and leader in dispute resolution, rising from its embryonic stage to Specialist Advisor and Mentor; as well as providing training, coaching, and assessing new mediators to National Standards. Cheryl has conducted 3000 mediations, resulting in a consistently high agreement rate and exceptional client satisfaction.
As well, Cheryl embraced a forward thinking leadership opportunity, paved the way for change and strived to influence culture, by introducing a school based mediation service.
Cheryl’s specialises in Family Dispute Resolution (FDR), Child Protection Conferencing, Minor Civil Disputes, and Workplace & Commercial Dispute Resolution.

Principal Workplace and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner

- Accredited Mediator (NMAS)
- Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute (GradDipFDR)
- Diploma in Community Services (DipComServ)
- Diploma in Management (DipMan)
- Certified in Transformative Mediation (TRM)
- Certified in Family Group Conferencing (FGC)
- Cert IV Training & Assessment (TAE)
- Mediation Institute – Teacher, Trainer
- Coach – New Ways for Families (Parenting without Conflict)
Cynthia is dedicated to supporting couples to create peaceful solutions and to guide individuals feeling stuck in a conflict cycle to move forward and find resolution. Her passion is seeing breakthroughs in mindsets around conflict. Cynthia focuses on guiding individuals and families to feel empowered and understood and to know how conflict is perceived in our day to day living, as it is often deeply ingrained from our life experiences and our childhood. Cynthia former experience was mainly gained working in the community with at-risk young people and their families.
Cynthia’s specialises in Workplace Mediation and Family Dispute Resolution.

Principal Transformative Relationship Mediation Practitioner

- Certificate IV in Training and Education (TAE)
- Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP)
- Nationally Accredited Mediator (NMAS)
- Transformative Mediation Practitioner (TRM)
- Family Group Conferencing Facilitator (FGC)
- Certified New Ways for Families Coach
- Practitioner and Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)
Ken is dedicated to learning and sharing his knowledge about peace-making and interpersonal communication, through his services for families and as a coach and mentor for new entrants to the mediation industry. Ken is passionate about helping couples experiencing interpersonal conflict to obtain peace through mediation. Ken assists couples to develop workable solutions to their relationship issues and helps people experiencing conflict (pre and post separation) to resolve problems and work out new ways to interact.
Ken specialises in Transformative Relationship Mediation.

Let us empower and help you move forward to evolve for a better future.

Contact Us
Email: admin@idrstart.com.au
Phone: 0411 985 289